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Lecture 1 and 2

Page history last edited by mike@mbowles.com 12 years, 6 months ago

The material for the first lecture comes from "Elements of Statistical Learning" chapters 2 and 3.  We're also using professor Robert Tibshirani's lecture notes for stats 315a.  Here's a link to Professor Tibshirani's web page for those slides.  http://www-stat.stanford.edu/~tibs/stat315a.html "Overview of Supervised Learning" through "Least angle regression and the lasso" 


The r-scripts for the examples covered in the lecture are on this web site. 








     Professor Hastie's 1997 lecture notes on linear model: paper with example in r

     Lars: notes paper  example


     To generate the curve given as figure 3.10 in the ESL text larsESLCh3fig10.R


     Professor Brad Efron's original LARS paper is located at



    Andrew Ng's lecture on linear regression ... he gives details for taking the derivatives



Homework: Homework01.pdf   Check out the leaps package



Link to Recorded Lecture 1&2


Part 1: https://datamining.webex.com/datamining/ldr.php?AT=pb&SP=MC&rID=106205227&rKey=36a27c21f518b547


Part 2: https://datamining.webex.com/datamining/ldr.php?AT=pb&SP=MC&rID=106205237&rKey=638d844e8ead8813


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